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Off to the Races Applause Auction
Saturday, May 18, 2024


Hats off to you St. Charles and welcome to the 42nd Annual Applause Auction.


'Off to the Races' is the theme for this year’s program and our team is already off and running! While we strive to honor the traditions that have contributed to 41 years of auction success at St. Charles and 60 years of Catholic education support in Tacoma; we do have a few new and exciting programs coming 'down the backstretch'. There will be family events, adults-only gatherings, community events and community building opportunities, #LuckyU!


Evan and I along with our children; Aiden (4th grade), Ella (2nd grade) and James (soon to be preschooler,) have long believed in and supported Catholic education. We truly believe in what our families have modeled for us, and that is 'you will never miss a dollar or an hour you give to support someone who needs it'.


So along with the support of you, our families, our tremendous Advancement Office and our faculty and staff; we will Sip, we will Shop, we will Place our Bets and we will Raise our paddles high in support of our beloved children at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School.


'Off we go!'

Evan and Lauren Boulanger

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Thank You to our Presenting Sponsor: